This system is for pre-booking only. All options selected are subject to confirmation by the hotel within an average period of 24 hours.

For budget purposes, the amount contemplated only represents the total of the pre-booked stay through the website, which will always be subject to confirmation.

Prices for bathing/shaving/hygiene procedures may be subject to change depending on the behavior and condition of the animal.

As a rule, the current campaigns only apply to stays at the hotel and do not extend to extra services selected by the customer.

If you have any questions or do not fulfill all the mandatory pre-booking requirements (for example any vaccine or deworming) please contact us so that we can advise you in the best way possible.

All extra services will be budgeted separately and paid on the day of check-in or on another day to be agreed with the customer, through a payment method also to be agreed with the customer.
after totaling 31 days of stay in the current year, you will have a 35% discount on the stay
after a total of 15 days of stay in the current year, you will have a 25% discount on the stay
already with an open file in the Group, you will have a 10% discount on the stay
no registration or previous stays registered
* (subject to availability)
General Vaccine
Rabies vaccine
Kennel Cough Vaccine
(subject to appointment)
(budget after evaluation of each case)
(budget after evaluation of each case)
Training School

(check-in/check-out outside opening hours (9:00h to 12:30h and 15:00h to 18:30h))
* (subject to availability)
General Vaccine
Rabies vaccine
Kennel Cough Vaccine
(subject to appointment)
(budget after evaluation of each case)
(budget after evaluation of each case)
Training School
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